Hebrew text to speech (Request)

is there any service for that (i saw that in Thunkable) that there is an hebrew tts

I believe your device has to have a Hebrew TTS engine installed. Thunkable does not have this built in as far as I can tell.

I found Aharon Hebrew TTS by googling.

It may work. Let us know if it works. I have no idea about the quality of this TTS engine. How does it work? I have no idea. Most TTS engines have to be installed and set using the device Settings.
As far as I know, Hebrew is not one of languages available using the Google TTS. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Text-to-Speech

According to
that depends on the available languages on the device ...


The TextToSpeech component speaks a given text aloud. You can set the pitch and the rate of speech.

You can also set a language by supplying a language code. This changes the pronunciation of words, not the actual language spoken. For example, setting the Language to French and speaking English text will sound like someone speaking English (en) with a French accent.

You can also specify a country by supplying a Country code. This can affect the pronunciation. For example, British English (GBR) will sound different from US English (USA). Not every country code will affect every language.

The languages and countries available depend on the particular device, and can be listed with the AvailableLanguages and AvailableCountries properties.



List of the country codes available on this device for use with TextToSpeech. Check the Android developer documentation under supported languages to find the meanings of these abbreviations.


List of the languages available on this device for use with TextToSpeech. Check the Android developer documentation under supported languages to find the meanings of these abbreviations.


Country code to use for speech generation. This can affect the pronunciation. For example, British English (GBR) will sound different from US English (USA). Not every country code will affect every language.


Sets the language for TextToSpeech. This changes the way that words are pronounced, not the actual language that is spoken. For example, setting the language to French and speaking English text will sound like someone speaking English with a French accent.


Sets the speech pitch for the TextToSpeech.

The values should be between 0 and 2 where lower values lower the tone of synthesized voice and greater values raise it.

The default value is 1.0 for normal pitch.


Returns true if the text was successfully converted to speech, otherwise false .


Sets the SpeechRate for TextToSpeech.

The values should be between 0 and 2 where lower values slow down the pitch and greater values accelerate it.

The default value is 1.0 for normal speech rate.


AfterSpeaking( result )

Event to raise after the message is spoken. The result will be true if the message is spoken successfully, otherwise it will be false .


Event to raise when Speak is invoked, before the message is spoken.


Speak( message )

Speaks the given message.