HC-06 not receiving text to Serial Monitor using app

Hello, I am trying to make a small remote controlled Arduino car that connects with bluetooth to the mobile app for the controls. I am using 2 servos attached to the wheels, and a HC-06. Below is what the blocks currently looks like:

However, when i try to press one of the buttons no text is being sent to the Serial Monitor. This is what my code currently looks like:

#include <Servo.h>

Servo leftServo;
Servo rightServo;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);  // Initialize the serial communication
  leftServo.attach(5); // Attach the left servo to pin 
  rightServo.attach(6); // Attach the right servo to pin

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    String command = Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); // Read the incoming command
    // Check the received command and adjust the servos accordingly
    if (command == "UP") {
    } else if (command == "DOWN") {
    } else if (command == "LEFT") {
    } else if (command == "RIGHT") {
    } else if (command == "POWER") {

void moveForward() {
  leftServo.write(90);  // Adjust the servo angles as needed

void moveBackward() {
  leftServo.write(0);  // Adjust the servo angles as needed

void turnLeft() {
  leftServo.write(0);  // Adjust the servo angles as needed

void turnRight() {
  leftServo.write(90);  // Adjust the servo angles as needed

void stopCar() {
  leftServo.write(90);  // Set both servos to a neutral position to stop the car

How could I get the buttons to send the text to the Serial Monitor correctly?

You are doing a ReadTextUntil \n in your sketch.

Show how you are sending \n from your app.

Thank you for your reply, I'm still new to Arduino so still trying to figure things out. I modified the code to just print out the received text alone, so that I can modify it to control the servos later on when I get this working.

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize the Serial Monitor

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    char receivedChar = Serial.read(); // Read a character from Bluetooth

    // Print the received character to the Serial Monitor

Though it still doesn't print the text into the serial monitor. However, what I find strange is that if I spam the button to send the text on the app while I am uploading my sketch it does print correctly for just a split second. Any idea of why this could be?

Try cramming \n into the end of each of those text blocks you transmit.

Where is the reference to your BT serial line ?
You just initialize the serial monitor (Serial.begin(9600)), but you shall have another serial line to manage the BT. To what Arduino board pins (and which board? ) have you connected the HC06 ?
Your Arduino code, for the time being, is just making a local loop back between the PC Keyboard and the Serial Monitor.