Having issues with nested lists

I'm trying to understand how list works, just not getting the setup.

To summarize, I have a text file with words in it separated by suffix +++++, please see below.

+++++ (And so on)

The aim of the code is to save the words up to (++++) in another list function which I then goes through those words saved and match's them with a string typed in from the user.
For instance how many "Whats" words are in the list array.

When I run the program I get

for the 1st 3 values in the array.

Seems to have missed the 1st two words in the list.

Another question, when using a (for each item) loop is the index to the list array automatically incremented. Is it possible to use the same list array in different routines nested.

If I have a main loop accessing a list array and call another loop that requires testing of the same list array can i use another (for each item) loop and still return to the main loop and continue from the last location in the list array.



QuestionAir.aia (5.0 KB)

i dont understand why do you want loop? by this way you can skip the +++++. If you want positions of the ++++ then in the else block you can add the counter value

Sorry if i misunderstand you

Im trying to match the words within the ++++ strings with a user typed sentence.
for example the user might type in the textbox "What is the current time", in my text file I want to see how many times each word in the sentance appears within the text file +++++ prefix and suffix.

If the user writes "what is the time"

The text file might have
then "time" appears once, "what" appears once, "is" apears once and "it" appears zero

Hope that helps

Found the problem, I dident have an index pointer for the second list

Thanks for your help


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