Having Fun but wanted to extend something

FruitLootSuper.aia (304.0 KB)

Trying to make a catch it game with fruits flowing from the top of the screen into a basket catcher game. Similar in nature to Kaboom for the Atari 2600. Again a game from a https://www.amazon.com/dp/159327968X?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title&tag=wkss20-20

Please take a look at the code section that updates the Percent field on the top of the screen. It's coded using If Global Score/Fruits dropped > .7 it updates the field with congrats type text and if not says "You Can Do Better"

Help please,

Here's your original blocks:

Here's what I added:

This is an if/then/elseif ladder, with the rungs arranged in descending order.
I also switched to multiplication instead of division in the comparisons, to avoid potential divide by zero errors.

FruitLootSuper (1).aia (304.1 KB)

I did not

  • add code to reset global variables in the Start button
  • switch those three fruit sprite events to a single generic event.

I leave those to you.