Im building an app that receives and handles the events ((PhoneCallStarted, PhoneCallEnded and IcomingCallAnswered) of the PhoneCall component in the background using the Itoo extension..
The app is working fine when handling the events in the foreground. I then re-build the app to work in the background using Itoo as is shown here:
What is working:
the background process ("run") is started and the process title and subtitle are displayed on my phone.
the message "background initialization finished" is broadcasted, received and displayed in the textbox on the screen of the app
What is not working:
- when I call my phone, none of the 3 PhoneCall events are received/handled by the background process ("run")
I searched the forum for this problem, but could not find it.
I have a Samsung A52 running Android 14
Any idea what is going wrong?