H5P quiz from Wordpress not displaying on a tablet

I have an educational project with a webviewer. It contains a page from Wordpress whose contents is a quiz. It works ok on a mobile phone but not on a tablet, where it shows the title of the activity but doesn´t load the question. I opened the page with the tablet´s browser outside of the app and here it does show the whole content. Could anybody give me a hand, please?

  1. Show your relevant blocks
  2. More details about your tablet (tech specs)
  3. A link to the web page you are trying to display

To use html5 (H5P) your tablet needs HTML5 in a Webviewer. This means your tablet should be at least Android (5.1+) I believe

Yes. My tablet system is an old one (Android 4.4.4). I´ll try and test the app with a newer device. Thanks a lot.

The problem seems to be with my tablet, which is running an old version of Android (4.4.4). I have now read that H5P requires at least Android 5.1. Thank you very much for your interest in helping me.

Hello: I apologize for raising this issue again. I assumed the problem had something to do with my out-of-date Android version in my device (I had Android version 4.4.4). So I managed to update it to version 7.1.2. After this change, now, when accessing the webviewer it shows a message saying "Your browser is no longer compatible. Update it free..." and provides a list of 4 options: 1. Google Chrome, 2. Safari (for Mac) 3. Edge, and 4. Firefox. I have Chrome as the default browser and it is updated. The Tablet is a Samsung Galaxy TabE, Model SM-T56. I´m attaching an image of the relevant block. The url for the web has been established in the Designer. It is Unit 1: reading

Thank you very much again.