Guys i need help with this problem

I need help on this problem and downloading and i want the same project
Screenshot 2022-08-20 170940


Did you report a bug? It is of great help if you do - if MIT receive many of the same reports it helps determine the cause.

However, it is likely to be only a glitch, either with your broadband or the MIT Server.

Log out, log back in and try again. Only use FireFox or Chrome and make sure App Inventor is the 'king' of your network, no other broadband hungry websites/movies etc running on your PC or elsewhere (other rooms).

Nope it still didn't work. It only goes till 20% and then says the problem

OK, we need to check it - please post the Project File here (.aia)

Export Project

Ok here is the file
Drawing_app1.aia (2.7 MB)

I will take a look now.

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So, the issue would seem to be caused by the remains of an extension and another Project (circular progress by Gordon Lu) residing in the Project back files. Does that ring any bells? I have removed them and your Project compiles on my PC:

Drawing_appEdit.aia (2.7 MB)

Thanks soo much

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