GuitarSynthesis - Guitar sound synthesizer to produce realistic sounds.

Guitar sound synthesis using Karplus-Strong algorithm
to produce realistic sounds using physical modeling.

C Chord

Download the aia project so you can hear the sound better on your cell phone.


Synthesizes the sound of a guitar using physical modeling techniques.

  • frequency: Frequency of the note in Hz.
    • You can use the helper block or put the number of hertz.

  • duration: Duration of the sound in seconds.
    • This parameter defines how long the synthesized sound will last.

  • silenceDuration: Duration of silence between notes, in seconds.
    • This parameter is useful for introducing pauses between notes, if necessary.

  • addSilence: Indicator of whether silence should be added between notes.
    • If true, silence is introduced into the sound.

  • amplitude: Volume level of the sound.
    • This parameter controls the amplitude of the generated sound, allowing the intensity of the sound to be adjusted.

      • minValue: 0.0.
      • maxValue: 1.0.

Musical notes with their respective frequency.
Note Frequency (Hz)
C0 16.35
C#0 17.32
D0 18.35
D#0 19.45
E0 20.60
F0 21.83
F#0 23.12
G0 24.50
G#0 25.96
A0 27.50
A#0 29.14
B0 30.87
C1 32.70
C#1 34.65
D1 36.71
D#1 38.89
E1 41.20
F1 43.65
F#1 46.25
G1 49.00
G#1 51.91
A1 55.00
A#1 58.27
B1 61.74
C2 65.41
C#2 69.30
D2 73.42
D#2 77.78
E2 82.41
F2 87.31
F#2 92.50
G2 98.00
G#2 103.83
A2 110.00
A#2 116.54
B2 123.47
C3 130.81
C#3 138.59
D3 146.83
D#3 155.56
E3 164.81
F3 174.61
F#3 185.00
G3 196.00
G#3 207.65
A3 220.00
A#3 233.08
B3 246.94
C4 261.63
C#4 277.18
D4 293.66
D#4 311.13
E4 329.63
F4 349.23
F#4 369.99
G4 392.00
G#4 415.30
A4 440.00
A#4 466.16
B4 493.88
C5 523.25
C#5 554.37
D5 587.33
D#5 622.25
E5 659.25
F5 698.46
F#5 739.99
G5 783.99
G#5 830.61
A5 880.00
A#5 932.33
B5 987.77
C6 1046.50
C#6 1108.73
D6 1174.66
D#6 1244.51
E6 1318.51
F6 1396.91
F#6 1479.98
G6 1567.98
G#6 1661.22
A6 1760.00
A#6 1864.66
B6 1975.53
C7 2093.00
C#7 2217.46
D7 2349.32
D#7 2489.02
E7 2637.02
F7 2793.83
F#7 2959.96
G7 3135.96
G#7 3322.44
A7 3520.00
A#7 3729.31
B7 3951.07
C8 4186.01

These frequencies correspond to notes in equal temperament.

Diagram of notes and frequencies in relation to their position on the guitar.


Traste 6ª cuerda 5ª cuerda 4ª cuerda 3ª cuerda 2ª cuerda 1ª cuerda
0 E A D G B E
1 F A# D# G# C F
2 F# B E A C# F#
3 G C F A# D G
4 G# C# F# B D# G#
5 A D G C E A
6 A# D# G# C# F A#
7 B E A D F# B
8 C F A# D# G C
9 C# F# B E G# C#
10 D G C F A D
11 D# G# C# F# A# D#
12 E A D G B E


Traste 6ª cuerda 5ª cuerda 4ª cuerda 3ª cuerda 2ª cuerda 1ª cuerda
0 82.41 Hz 110.00 Hz 146.83 Hz 196.00 Hz 246.94 Hz 329.63 Hz
1 87.31 Hz 116.54 Hz 155.56 Hz 207.65 Hz 261.63 Hz 349.23 Hz
2 92.50 Hz 123.47 Hz 164.81 Hz 220.00 Hz 277.18 Hz 369.99 Hz
3 98.00 Hz 130.81 Hz 174.61 Hz 233.08 Hz 293.66 Hz 392.00 Hz
4 103.83 Hz 138.59 Hz 185.00 Hz 246.94 Hz 311.13 Hz 415.30 Hz
5 110.00 Hz 146.83 Hz 196.00 Hz 261.63 Hz 329.63 Hz 440.00 Hz
6 116.54 Hz 155.56 Hz 207.65 Hz 277.18 Hz 349.23 Hz 466.16 Hz
7 123.47 Hz 164.81 Hz 220.00 Hz 293.66 Hz 369.99 Hz 493.88 Hz
8 130.81 Hz 174.61 Hz 233.08 Hz 311.13 Hz 392.00 Hz 523.25 Hz
9 138.59 Hz 185.00 Hz 246.94 Hz 329.63 Hz 415.30 Hz 554.37 Hz
10 146.83 Hz 196.00 Hz 261.63 Hz 349.23 Hz 440.00 Hz 587.33 Hz
11 155.56 Hz 207.65 Hz 277.18 Hz 369.99 Hz 466.16 Hz 622.25 Hz
12 164.81 Hz 220.00 Hz 293.66 Hz 392.00 Hz 493.88 Hz 659.25 Hz

GuitarSynthesis.aia (21.6 KB)

Extension: v1.0.1.
joejsanz.joedevguitarsynthesis.aix (14.8 KB)

minSdk: 21
maxSdk: 34
JDK: 11

Created with Fast. v2.3.0

Thanks to @TIMAI2 for the suggestions I've added this:

  • silenceDuration
  • amplitude

Before you had to use a timer to play multiple notes at different times, but now you don't need to because it now has a silence tone and sounds better.



Added parameters:

  • silenceDuration
  • addSilence
  • amplitude