GSoC'22 Project Idea

Hi everybody,

I'm Gracia from NYU ITP. I was majored in visual communication design back in undergrad and now I'm more into frontend coding side. After build my own app with App Inventor, I think there some good point to improve the user experience.

  • Select several bars with mouse drag (from Project list)
  • Changeable app names and screen1 name
  • Able to duplicate design components (Not able on webpage yet)
  • Update designer viewer (same as the effect in Emulator)
  • Console.log bar
    Please feel free to suggest! Also, I may need some help with my proposal, I want to know where's a good start point. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I think App Inventor is for beginners to build their own app without any coding skills. They also might not be able to deploy local App Inventor on their computer. In this case, I think it would be benefit if the interface and the logic behind is similar as apps they might use in daily life...If my thoughts are wrong, maybe it's true that some of my improvements above are unnecessary.


@GraciaZ welcome to App Inventor community.

There is a property for change App Name in screen1's properties list, i think changing of screen1's name to other that doesn't make sense.

This feature is already implemented in current and App Inventor system.

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Thank you!

I've been using webpage and emulator to create my app as all beginners will do.

There is a property for change App Name in screen1's properties list, i think changing of screen1's name to other that doesn't make sense.

Maybe the problem is only with webpage, even I changed the property in screen1's list, it'll not update in the project list.

Do remember that AppName is different from ProjectName. To change the ProjectName, go to Projects > Save project as, then enter your new project name. Click OK, and App Inventor will make a copy of your project with the new name.

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Thank you!