GSOC-24 Results

Hey community members,

I applied for GSOC-24, just got the mail that my proposal was not selected. Although my reviews were really good. I am okay with the result, but I still want to work on the project. I just want to know my actual review and would like to request @ewpatton @HollowMan6 for mentoring me for the project this summer. I will make improvements in the proposal as required.

PS: I just got to know someone else is working on the project now. So I will work on something else then.


Hi @lakshyashishir! First I would like to say thank you for your interest and hard work in writing the proposal! Your proposal was good, we didn't select you just because we evaluated and found it might be difficult to fix the transparent SVG this summer as of the fact that we currently rely on the third-party library DragSelect for multi-selection and it can be a lot of work to get it properly implemented. Also, compatibility with other plugins is a higher priority. If you come up with a concrete solution for the transparent SVG issue later, we would of course welcome your contribution or hold your solution and apply GSoC again next year if you are available.

Wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

Thank you for your message and for providing feedback on my proposal. I truly appreciate the opportunity to participate in the selection process.

While I understand and respect the decision not to select my proposal for this year's GSoC program, I would have greatly appreciated knowing beforehand that the transparent SVG issue might present challenges that could affect my chances of being selected. This would have allowed me to modify my proposal accordingly, focusing solely on areas where I could make a more immediate impact, such as the block editor. Because I really wanted to contribute to MIT App Inventor in GSOC-24.

Nonetheless, I understand the complexities involved in the selection process and the need to prioritize compatibility with existing plugins. I will certainly keep your feedback in mind for future opportunities and will continue to refine my skills in the meantime.

Thank you once again for considering my application. I wish you and the selected participants all the best in your GSoC projects, and I hope to have the opportunity to contribute to the project in the future.

Thank you for your understanding! It's hard to tell anyone the chance of being selected beforehand since we can never get the whole picture until the end of the deadline. The ultimate goal for me to mentor is that I hope my mentees can get everything done regarding their project during this short GSoC coding period so that we can have a productive summer together. While I tried to reflect the priority and difficulty by ordering all four ideas here: Google Summer of Code 2024 · mit-cml/appinventor-sources Wiki · GitHub we would still be happy and give priority to that guy if her/his/... proposal comes with a concrete solution and persuade us that fixing the transparent SVG issue is possible during this summer.

Anyway, thank you for your interest again, and good luck next time! You are always welcome to contribute to anything at App Inventor and let's keep in touch!

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