🌟 Gravatar Extension to get gravatar image that conected to an email

  • Gravatar Extension Documentation

Gravatar Icon

You can communicate with the Gravatar service using the Gravatar extension to retrieve Gravatar URLs and determine whether an email contains a Gravatar image pr not .




  1. GetGravatar(email: Text, size: Number) Description: Get the Gravatar URL for the provided email address with a specified image size.Parameters:
  • email (Text): The email address for which to fetch the Gravatar URL.
  • size (Number): The desired size of the Gravatar image (optional).Events Triggered:
  • GravatarFetched(gravatarUrl: Text): Event triggered with the Gravatar URL.


  1. CheckGravatar(email: Text) Description: Check if an email address has a Gravatar image associated with it.Parameters:
  • email (Text): The email address to check for Gravatar.Events Triggered:
  • GravatarCheckResult(email: Text, hasGravatar: Boolean): Event triggered with the result of Gravatar existence check.



  1. GravatarFetched (gravatarUrl: Text)
    Description: Event-triggered with the Gravatar URL for a provided email address.Parameters:
  • gravatarUrl (Text): The URL of the Gravatar image.

  1. GravatarCheckResult (email: Text, hasGravatar:

    Description: Event triggered with the result of checking if an email has a Gravatar image.Parameters:
  • email (Text): The email address that was checked for Gravatar.
  • hasGravatar (Boolean): Indicates whether the email has a Gravatar image (true) or not (false).

Usage Example:
like how Mit App Inventor takes your gravatar based on your email :point_down:

Screenshot 2023-08-09 174026

You can easily incorporate Gravatar functionality into your app inventor apps using this extension. You can use it to determine whether a specific email has a Gravatar image or to retrieve Gravatar URLs for profile images based on email addresses.

The extension can be used in your App Inventor project in the following ways:

  1. Drag and drop the Gravatar extension into your project.
  2. Call the GetGravatar method to retrieve a Gravatar URL for a specific email address and size. Use the GravatarFetched event to handle the result.
  3. Call the CheckGravatar method to check if an email address has a Gravatar image. Use the GravatarCheckResult event to handle the result.

Aix file :
Gravatar.aix(10.3 KB)


This Gravatar extension was created by Mr.Koder.

Telegram channel :


Hello, is the extension still functional because I never get any response to requests sent to Gravatar. I wondered if a change in protocol had not taken place on their side.

Thanks in advance,

Try this update :