OK, this may not be the best place for this post but I am at my wit's end! I was attempting to download some promo codes from the Google Play Console for an app that recently completed closed testing and I received a pop-up that said "Create promo code? Make sure you’ve integrated your app with the Google Play Billing Library." Further research on this message suggests I need to edit my "Gradle" file but fails to tell me where/how to find it. The Play Console has no information on the subject that I can understand.
I know that many people here have succeeded in placing apps on the Google Play Store Console and I am hoping that someone who has done so will comment here and help me figure out why I am invoking a Gradle file and how to edit one or make it all go away. Thank you so much!
Mostly because a google search is useless (to me) and I am seeking the experience of others who have received a similar message. If this is an outlier, then I AM doing something wrong and I need to correct my actions, not waste precious days of my life learning about Gradle files.
As you said this issue is irrelevant to the MIT AI2 community, that gives me a hint. I got the message when requesting promotional tickets to an app that was not yet released, but testing was complete. While I was under the impression that the app had an address with Google, it could be as simple as the app not yet being released to the public and Google not being able to find something I expected to be there with a waiting address.
Nope, Google Console is totally legit! All they wanted was my debit card info, my social security number, the name of my first pet, and where I went to high school. It's totally cool