Google Play store no longer accepts APK. How can I generate Android App Bundle for AI apps?

Google Play store simply does not accepts APK any more for publishing the apps. MIT AI platform only provides APK to download. How do I create Android App Bundle (aab) format that play store requires?

I am simply unable to publish the app on Google play store with latest revisions to play store requirements.

A simple forum search for "bundle" would have returned your answer many times over....


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Since when?
You might get a warning. Ignore it.

What messages do you get?

@Gagan_Marwah I looked in the play console. It still allows apks. If you get a message like "You might lose users because you don't have a apk bundle," it is just a warning and in the screen shot I took, It said you can upload apk bundles or apks there.

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Yes, of course, as I said.

So take a screenshot of the messages (problems) you receive when you publish your app.

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