Google play store console wants me to delete permissions if not used or app is will get deleted

My app when I built it was one of the first ones I built,I was still learning how to make it work.I put some permissions in that wasn't needed. I deleted blocks and continued to finish my app.

It seemed to work ok but it was a little slow on loading from play store.I have made a newer app with the permissions that is only needed. I want to keep my old apps but found that the permissions are still in the code even though I don't see it.

I have tried to decompile code with a number of APK editors was not able to decompile and recompile APK file.Is there a simpler way to delete it out of mit app inventors code.

Im using chrome book and every thing I am doing is not working and some of the editor apps and wed sites are shaddy they don't let me edit anything.they want permissions to change things on my computer even when Im not there.

please can you help me before my apps will be deleted by Google,thank you.

your app only gets those permissions added into the manifest of your app which are needed

how did you find that out?

Google play store console wants me to delete permissions if not used

please provide a screenshot of that Google Play message

sorry I had to do some thing.They put it in my mail box on two apps and if I don't delete it or prove that my app needs the permissions they are going to take my apps off of the play store. I was able to find an APK decompiler and there it was in my manifest, 3 permissions I don't need. Later tonight I will have a screen shot of the message from Google.

@stressbreaker are you the same person as @Robert_S or are you trying to help somehow?


Yes Im the same person as stressbreaker .This computer is at work and the other is at home. Im not on the computer for long I dont have a job on the computer.

If you can help I need a solution to this problem.I tried every thing I can think of, l am not that good at the coding like you are .If I was, I would probably just do my app on Android studio but Im if there is anything you can help me with to make it simpler I would appreciate it .Im just trying to save my apps from Google taking them off the store.Thank You.

Your best option right now is to apply for an extension. We are working through exactly what permissions we need for our built in components and will update App Inventor accordingly to be compliant. If you use extensions, you will have to identify what extensions add the permissions and either get updated versions from the extension authors or remove the extension and implement the functionality in another way.

You can't make this up, it's so ridiculous. How long will it take until people finally see through these constantly new idiotic restrictions and reject them? :upside_down_face:

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I did the extension but Im running out of time. The problem as I see it is app inventor has no way of deleting permissions once you put it on the screen even though you delete the blocks that does not delete the permission code. The permission stays in the code and just doesnt respond because it was not needed. Google saying it could open a door for a hacker with my web site and it would look like I was the one thats doing this.So if it is not possible to remove the permission just let me know and I will let them go.I dont have that problem with my last app I built but I am learning.Thanks for all your help.

Build the APK, decompile it, remove permissions from the Manifest, recompile it, download GitHub - sensei-z/APK2AAB: APK2AAB ..., and build/sign the AAB.

See also here: Edit or Modify the AAB file - Guides - Kodular Community

I appreciate the links but I have tried to download them and failed every time I don't know what Im doing wrong.Never had this problem until I tried to download editors to my Chromebook.Other apps I can decompile the file like the example up top but I can only read them wont let me edit.I have been able to download to files and edit manifest but it will not let me recompile the manifest back with the apps code.I don't know why its not working,maybe it's Googles software stopping me.If you can think of any way to get around this I would appreciate the help.Thank You.

ewpatton, that's great your doing that for app inventor but the problem I see is the people just started learning and experimenting with the blocks accidently put the permissions up and realize that its not needed or the wrong permission they can not delete that permission from the code even though you deleted the blocks on app inventor.If you can fix that problem that would help a lot of people trying to learn app inventor.Because that means they can make a mistake and be able to erase the problem.Thank You for the help.

Well thanks for all the replies,I hope someone has an option that will work with my chrome book computer.Thanks to you three that I was able to get this far with my apps,from all the people you help,helped me.You three are every professional in the coding world.Big thanks again.