Google Play Billing?

I need to know how to add billing subscriptions to my app for Google Play?

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Thanks so much for all your help. I really love your aix extension and how it works seamlessly with Google Subscriptions. So how is payment recieved I am a newbie at this, Paypal? And the time will eventually come when I will need to update do I get future updates/fixes free? Keep up the awesome work.

There are also other billing extensions... you can find them after doing a search in the extensions directory App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps


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Can I try yours too?

No you can't, because it uses the old billing library 3 and will not be updated anymore


Yep, totally free for updates :slight_smile:

Here are some of the test blocks to buy a thing repeatedly:


Though the blocks are from Kodular, it works seamlessly with appinventor also.

Looks really good so far.

So how do I purchase this extension? Also, will the blocks allow me to set monthly, quarterly, and yearly subscriptions?

Yep thats correct, you can create the products in console, then enter the Id to purchase the product.

Can you show this in blocks and then running in test mode video please and thank you?

You can see the screenshots in the topic I posted earlier.
You can check this for the video.

We can discuss this in private.