my gmail account is deleted, lost all my app inventor projects linked to that email id. is there any possiblility to recover those projects to my new gmail account ? please help
I have assigned one of the App Inventor developers to this topic.
thank you so much Peter. Is there anything from my side to connect with the developer
No, you will have to be patient until she contacts you. Remember it is night in the USA. You will have to show that the account you are talking about was yours. So maybe make a list for yourself of some projects that are on the account.
sure thanks for the immediate help
We don't delete projects or accounts. We just track App Inventor projects based on a preexisting Google account. When your projects disappear, this is almost always because you've logged into MIT App Inventor with a different Google account. Please verify that the Google account listed in the upper right-hand corner of the App Inventor title bar matches the account you expect. If not, you can log out from there and get a new log-in prompt.
I can transfer projects from one account to a different one if you have lost access to the account used to use.
If you need me to do this, send me a private message (click my avatar picture and then "Message").
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