Give some tips to create an app that has options to get ecommerce selling data like 1) Product Name, 2) Product image, 3) Price etc

I am not able to share all the user inputs that are saved in tinyDB. How can I share multiple userinputs (complete list of new user inputs) via email or whatsapp? (Sharing single userinput is succeeded.)

App that I am editing:
ecom_edit3.aia (35.0 KB)

I am planning to finish the app in this way.

  1. Get user inputs.

  2. Share the user inputs or may be base64 files in email or whatsapp.

  3. Download those files from email and upload it to my app. So, the base64 can be converted into images back.

So, my app has to 1) share files and also 2) upload files (base64) and after conversion, the images have to be 3) downloaded as well in the device. (SHARE, UPLOAD, DOWNLOAD).

Is there a way to convert the ListView elements into a new List? Because, when I try to share all the Listview elements/ user inputs, only first element is getting shared. So, can I share all data via email if I can convert Listview elements into a new List? And, how can I do that?

ChatGPT Reply:

Yes, you can convert ListView elements into a List and share them via email in MIT App Inventor (AI2). Here's how you can do it:

  1. Create a List from the ListView Elements:
  • In MIT AI2, you can use a for each loop to iterate over the items in the ListView and store them into a new list.
  • You can use the ListView.Elements property to get the list of elements.
  1. Join the List Items into a Single Text:
  • Use the join block to combine the list items into a single string with appropriate separators (like commas or new lines) so that all the elements are included in the email body.
  1. Send the Joined List via Email:
  • Use the ActivityStarter component to send the email.

blocks - 2024-10-21T014340.722

I created this block so I thought that I can merge all the Listview elements into a single text and can share it via email. But, I am facing the following error when I click the Share button. Help me to solve it.

Currently, I am editing this app file
ecom_edit4.aia (35.2 KB)

Complete blocks image is here. Can you please help me?

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Can you suggest me alternative ways to solve this?

I am trying to share all base64 data of all user input images via email. But, I don't know to do it.

This is almost last part of the app.

Something similar to this, Can you please help?

Your first study assignment

Explain the difference between JOIN and JOIN With Separator

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'Join' is used to join two or more data. We can include separators like coma or space etc. in between the data while joining together. Am I right?

I guess, if we can convert the list view items/elements into a new list, the problem may solve. But, how can we do it (if so)?

You missed the critical word..

Copy the helps for those blocks and paste them here.

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Don't shave the mirror.
Shave the face.

I am not able to share all the Listview elements but only first element is getting shared on button click. I want to share all the List elements.

When I cross checked each block of the above picture, I almost concluded that the CULPRIT is SHARING block. I think, there is some default error in it. Or there may be error in textbox.


  1. I gave same block '' as input to a) a Label b) a Text Box and c) the Sharing block.

  2. I did this to find out which block is culprit block?

  3. Only label block accepted all the ListView elements and gave the complete output. Textbox and Sharing block accepted only first element of ListView and gave only that as output. Even though I gave same input to these 3 blocks they gave different output.

So, is it that there is some default error in these two blocks (textbox & sharing) that didn't work as intended or is there ways to solve this? Please, guide me.

Use the Do It feature to show the contents of the global variable upstream of this data flow.

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How can I do it? Can you explain in blocks?

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