Ghost streets in Map component (not in Map Component but in some OpenStreetMap tiles)

In MapApp, an AI2 app for Radio Direction Finding, some zoomlevels in the Map component show ghost streets added to the desired map tile.
The screendump shows a rather severe example where both English as well as Slavic roads are added to a piece of the Netherlands.
When I use ZoomLevel to switch to other zoomlevels these ghosts generally disappear, but returning to the same ZoomLevel makes them visible again.
Closing the app and running it again shows the same ghost, probably saved with the map tiles.
Using other Androids with the same app show the same issue, but slightly different so some randomness in the ghost roads seems obvious.
In Companion I noticed a similar problem.

Has anyone seen this before?


Co-ordinates ?

Thanks for your swift reaction, but in the mean time I found that Openstreetmap shows comparable flaws when opened in a browser on a laptop...
So it looks like a problem beyond AI2.

The problem is pretty random, so coordinates are no use. I fround them in Germany, Netherlands and France.
If you want to see the problem just open Openstreetmap, go to preferrably a green patch on the map, like a forest, and slowly zoom in. When you zoom in pretty far you may notice one or more straight white road lines, which generally start and end randomly on the map. Zooming in further may make them dissappear, and zooming out again will show them once more. So now and then you may stumble over a cluster of roads like in my screendump, mostly with English and Cyrillic street names.
Hopefully they will solve it soon, since once downloaded, AI2's Map will store the crooked tiles on the device. So the only way to get rid of stored crooked tiles may be just removing the app and installing it again...
Or is there a way to refresh Map tiles?

Ok, further investigation learned that in april or earlier some zoom layers were hacked at Openstreetmap, It seems that the layers were contaminated with ghost streets and obscene language.
I think that knowing this we can safely end this thread since it is definately not a AI2 issue.


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Some extra info

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Ok, so the cause is clear, I am impressed how fast they manage to clean up their polluted map tiles.
But that leaves a AI2 Map problem: Since map tiles are being stored on the device, stored polluted tiles remain active in the Map.
Is there a way to clear the buffer or force a new tile download?
If not, only removing the app and re-installing it seems to be the only way to get rid of the crooked tiles.
In that case, an new Map function like a "refresh" or "clear buffer" would be ideal to get rid of the buffered crooked tiles.



You haven't tried clearing the app's cache?

The OpenStreetMap tiles previously visited by apps using the Map component are stored in the app's cache **


Use the Android Settings to get to the appropriate screen. :wink: and Clear cache.

You're a genius! (Or more likely I am an fool,, :slightly_smiling_face:)
Indeed clearing the cache did get rid of the tiles.
Clearing all data did so as well of course but it also cleared the TinydB data.
Thank you all for your assist!
