Getting undefined variable. Irritants: (yail/yail-dictionary) Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds

Hello to all.
I am a beginer at this app inventer.

I am connecting to an iphone to thest this app i am working on.
I get undefined variable. Irritants: (yail/yail-dictionary)
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

Thanks for any help.

all blocks are here? I see no blocks about dictionary.
and how do you save your data in tinydb? What's the data structure?

Thanks for your comments. I am not using an Dictionary component.

FlatRate3.aia (112.0 KB)

Here, list is expected, not string.

Thanks so much for your help.

How do you get the popups with the debug info ?

I researched it. It looks like commets

By Doing It

Thanks for your help . I am new to this......