I made an App to get data from NodeMCU and display in the App.Am getting an error saying 'ERROR 1101: Unable to get Response from specified URL:
I have attached the App inventor BLOCKs and as well as App ERROR messages screenshots for reference.
A 192.168.x.x IP address will be on the local network, and will be only visible if your phone is connected via WiFi to the local network. If your phone only connects through your wireless carrier, it can’t see local addresses like that.
@pavan_pavan Could you explain us about your code on the NodeMCU side?
Which libraries are you using in the NodeMCU code?
Are you trying to create a simple HTTP server using NodeMCU?
In that case, are you sending back response using the appropriate methods within the libraries?
I tried your code as well , App is not receiving the values from NodeMCU getting same error but am able to see the value in the browser.When i try to read the values by typing the IP adress in broswer .
I dont know what is happening , I tried in 3 different mobile phone ended in getting same error message in the App.
one of device was in airplane mode , but it is connected to same WiFi network . Where as other 2 device was not in airplane mode ,but I still face same issue .