Note that public IP is not particularly useful unless you also configure your router to route external connections on port 8888 to your machine and aren't behind something like CGNAT. For most home configurations you will want to look for a private class C IP address, typically starting with 192.168.0 or 192.168.1
I tried all methods but still i can't able to run companion correctly.
Maybe there's error in companion connection file. Can anyone tell that in white file contains companion connection settings in appinventor open source ??
For starters, you could indicate what IP address you tried. If it doesn't look right we can tell you that.
For example, on my home network my laptop's IP address is Therefore, I have to run -p 8888 -a appengine/build/war
and point my browser at
to load App Inventor if I want to use assets in the companion app.
Also, since it sounds like you are on Windows and Windows process management is not great, you should double check that there aren't multiple copies of the development server running from previous attempts via the task manager.
You need the IP address of the computer, but the screenshot you show is the IP address of your phone (and your router).
What is the output of ipconfig or ifconfig on the computer?
it worked
But after loged-in it shows blank page
It looks like your changes to the login mechanism drop the :8888
from the URL on redirecting back to the origin server. This is a bug in your code not in the App Inventor logic.
Hi sir, Thanks for your help i followed your instructions and now i'am able to import extensions and assets and working my companion perfectly.
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