Get value tag in firebase


After selecting the value of a dropdown I need to obtain which label I get it from.

In the first selection I get the label

In the second selection I obtain the union of the 2 labels and so on.

I tried to clean lavel and variable after selecting another value but I can't find a way

What could I do?

I am tempted to mark this as a duplicate post, because i am certain we have handling this in a previous request from you. I suggest you review some of your previous questions, one of which should provide the answer.

Yes it is correct but it was not in a topic just a comment that is why I get the first selection but it stayed there

Now that I need the block, I see that when making the second selection.

the first and second tag are joined together

It does not clear after selecting another value in the dropdown

You needed to clear (make empty list) that global list that you were building up in the Got Value block.

If you don't empty out the list, it will have residue left over from the previous fillings of the list.

The place to clear it is when you initiate the sequence of Get Values from the tag list.

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of course!
Now I just understand, I was adding items to the list.
I just had to put the value of the tag in a text

Well, this example was a replica of a past comment that I let it pass but I already clarified it.
thank you

I would like to know how I can search for the label that contains 2 or more values. The ideal is that the values ​​in this case coincide with item 2 and 3.

In the drop-down menus there will always be a value that is not repeated in all the labels, so that it can be identified.


I managed to obtain the label with the match of 2 values ​​(item2, item3)

On this occasion I need:
if those selected in the dropdown do not match
(ET) answer (NOT EXISTS)

try with:

and with any selection I get (NOT EXISTS)

I must be doing something wrong
What do you recommend?


These are the things you are doing wrong:

  • Setting the 'DOES NOT EXIST' Label Text should be done only once, at the start of the search. Leave it to a successful match to over-write it, and don't go jumping at every mismatch to overwrite any successfil hits.
  • You don't need that for each item in list value loop in the GotValue event, because it delivers a single row from your table. Just check items 2 and 3 in that row for the match.
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thank you
There was a flashing with the text (NO EXISTE) but I left it empty so that it doesn't flash
and be more aesthetic
