Get Specific text from .csv file for label and buttons in quiz app with levels

Hi, after searching in the forum and all the web I can't solve my problem so I'll ask here.
I'm trying to make a math quiz with levels where each level has questions for each multiplication table (ex. 1 x 1 to 1 x 10 is level 1, 2 x 1 to 2 x 10 is level 2). So I saved this excel file with 101 rows as .csv to read it with the file block.

And this is the screen where I want to replace the label "Hola" with the question, and each button's text with answer 1, 2, 3 and 4. The "Correct Answer" column says for each row, which column has the correct answer.

And in the same screen I have an arrangement that goes invisible after choosing level, and the question arrangement appears ("Nivel" is Level in spanish).

I managed to read the file with the blocks, but I gives me the full first row instead of just the question or the options.

So my question is, how can I set the label and buttons text to their respectives texts on the .csv file for each question at a time?

I hope I was clear enough. Thanks in advance.

Export your .aia file and upload it here.


TablasMultiplicar.aia (1.5 MB)
Here, the screen to look is "Niveles_Preguntas". I tried with something I found on youtube to read .csv from google drive but didn't worked (process "Mostrar").

The file you named as a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file
does not contain commas.

It contains semicolons.

It is a good idea to inspect your files before uploading them.

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P.S. Is it really necessary to import a file of multiplication practice problems?

AI2 has all the math blocks you need to generate those problems at run time.


Thanks ABG for your answer, I didn't realize there weren´t commas.

The thing with importing the file is that in the future I plan to make a quiz with different topics which are not math problems (like trivia crack) using the same aia file, instead of typing in the blocks the hundreds of questions I want to import one by one.