I am getting no error messages displayed on app inventor itself but on the app where the data should appear It is displaying the following
Have you uploaded a new code to arduino?
Yes checked twice
Is relay control working now?
yep full control of all 8 relays,
this is the file I'm currently using, cleaned up stuff I was not using
CI_WITH_TEMP.aia (971.8 KB)
You are using the old version of the BLE extension. Use the latest version from August 2020.
I ran my hm10 to test. I'll let you know when I find a solution.
Good spot, still getting same errors
Select list item: Attempt to get item number 2 of a list of length 1: ["["�^����"]"]
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.
okay thank you
What is this data you showed with the arrow? This is label3.
yes label 2 & label 3
2 to the left, 3 to the right
There was a block error. I fixed it. Here is the aia file. I also updated the blocks above.
CI_WITH_TEMP (1).aia (1001.4 KB)
You can upload the first version of the arduino code back.
I think this maybe since I updated to the new ble extension, I am now unable to connect to it, below is the error.
Service 0000ffe0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, characteristic 0000ffe1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb are not published by the connected device.
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.
This aia I put in is a new extension and it connects to my hm10 with no problem. From what you wrote yesterday, after updating the extension, the application was connecting to hm10. See if you have damaged your hm10.
Try this aia:
CI_WITH_TEMP (3).aia (1001.6 KB)
Maybe it is damaged, I seem to be able to write to it from serial monitor and send messages back using BLE Scanner. I will order a new HM10 model to see if that will resolve this.
I'm playing with your app right now with my hm10 and it works fine. I slightly tweaked the design to properly display the arduino data.
Okay that is good to hear, the app is to control electrical system in a camper van I am currently building as well as provide other data. I hope you like it, I need to tidy it up and tweak it a bit.
Im looking at adding some sort of control for rgb tape as well at some point. I might build a couple of dmx programs for it that can be called up from app inventor via arduino (still on the drawing board)
New HM10 has arrived. Good and Bad news,
I am connected and have control of relays.
Bad news I have these errors for the temperature
Select list item: Attempt to get item number 2 of a list of length 1: ["["emp. (C): 0.00 "]"]
Try new aia (3).
Still getting the same issues,
I have tried different pins, updating tablet.....
Still displaying above data and error message