🧩 Generate Documentation and License for extensions- AIX TOOLS

AIX Tools: :jigsaw: AIX Tools: Generate Documentation, License for extensions :hugs:

Release Information

Version: 1.01
Date Released: 2025-03-15T07:01:00Z
Developed by: @techxsarthak

The Problem :hammer_and_wrench:

There are a lot of extension documentation generators like the one developed by @AkshatRana . It works fantastic however I was facing one issue with it I had to arrange blocks everytime manually in my documentation which was quite hectic :wink:. It lacked a few features which I think would make it better. So to solve the problem I built a :gift: for all extension devs- AIX Tools.

Features :sparkles:

  • Extension Documentation Generator
  • License Generator with support for adding a custom license
  • Copy documentation with all Blocks at once
  • Generate Documentation pdf (Text/Block view)
  • Download individual blocks as png

Demo Video

Known Issues :bug:

  1. When copying blocks certain blocks have a small black border around them without affecting the overall appearance of the block :grinning:

Visit it here

Support Development

I'm a 16 year old high school student, I like to create and maintain many extensions and projects. I research a lot daily to bring something new to App Inventor :smiley:
While my primary goal and perspective on App Inventor is not to earn money, it really helps and motivates me a lot if you could spare some donations. :hugs:

For my other projects refer to my site. If you are a great person then please support my efforts by subscribing to my YouTube Channel

Sarthak Gupta


I will be more than happy if you could drop some positive reviews about my project :grinning:

Not possible to copy and paste into AI2 community, even for an extension with only a few blocks, the character limit is exceed due to the base64 encoding of the images - and the images do not show, in any case.

PDF generated splits images across pages

Still, the best and most reliable way to do this, on the community, is for the extension developer to do it by hand.

I note that you have also voted on your own poll !!!


You did it wrong paste it as plain text and for the base64 logic I am working on a fix

How was I supposed to know...

All my block images (not some) have a black slanting section at the top.

Your "footer" is presented before the block image of the last block, not after ...


Lol but I had mentioned it in the video above

Yes that's a known bug its written above also. Only getter blocks don't have that line

Will look into it

I did something similar some time ago, unfortunately the character limit in a single post means that it doesn't work for all extensions. Extensions with a larger number of blocks will easily exceed the limit, but when we have a small number of blocks, manually inserting a few images is no problem.

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Yes I am working on a better method

:sparkles: Release Notes- V1.01

New features

  • Added release notes page
  • Enhanced documentation generation performance
  • Added support for custom links
  • Added hyperlink in navbar

Fixed Bugs :bug:

  • Added copy block option to copy block as png not as base64 strings
  • Fixed mobile navigation issues
  • Fixed PDF generation issues (suggested by @TIMAI2)
  • Updated UI components for better accessibility
  • Fixed Block rendering and the black border problem (suggested by @TIMAI2)

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Copy blocks as png directly



PDF doesn't split now

GFont_documentation (5).pdf (1.2 MB)

Now you should be able to copy images of blocks not as base64 and paste them without downloading

Parameter name text alignment should be right.


And try to make the block appearance exactly same as inbuilt block in block editor (white background for block names and text color black)

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Edit: Fixed the backend. The issue of parameter position is now resolved

I think its not like that

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See the text background and colors here:

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  1. In the pdf, the Description text is surrounded by <p> and </p>


  1. Seems that now one has to copy and paste the blocks one by one into a community post ?
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Yes because the extension developer put that in the description. I will add parsing to it

Yes because copying all blocks at once is not supported also with other documentation generators you have to download the blocks but using this you just paste

Must be being done by RUSH, I didn't add any html to the description.


Tutorial for beginners