Game working good on the ai companion but the second screen is Flickering when i'm installin it on my android device

game workin good on the ai companion but the second screen is Flickering when i'm installin it on my android device.
the openinng screen is working perfectly..
any ideas What could be the problem???

Hard to diagnose without the aia export.

Differences between running under the Companion and installed:

  • TinyDB full of stuff left over from testing other apps versus empty on install

  • File system ownership different between the Companion and an installed app

If those don't help post the aia here for us to inspect.

Image files too big, triggering resizing on screen entry?

Clock timers left running in the Designer?

You mean the aia file itself or it has a file report??

I didn’t use timers in this game at all..

How else could we test?

More blind guesses, without the aia:

Current limitations of the AI Companion app:

  1. The close screen block triggers the Initialize event instead of the OtherScreenClosed event.
  2. The close screen with value block triggers both the Initialize and OtherScreenClosed events instead of only the OtherScreenClosed event.
  3. The close application block does not work, a message 'Closing forms is not currently supported during development' will be displayed instead.