Full Screenshot

this is only block for it. and used by

(i set permission block same as your block)

now can you screenshot in the file manager.
Go to File Manager and locate this file and screenshot

And have you tried replacing this with a name

No, this message is occurred from "save" block, not for load.
also same message by only using

this, even if except share file block. (and sharefile block saying another error message "i cant find bla")

and even the the directory was not created by itself.
so i tried making directory myself,

but didnt create any files.

I see an error, your name "Storage", in another language.

take a look at the name here

You should try to replace it in English

Yes but the μ €μž₯μ†Œname means storage, and it just only for showing by file manager. local directory true name is "storage" correctly.

there wasnt any problem of any other apps using "storage/..."directory

You have to try to replace it in English, and I am sure 100% successful if you have replaced it in English

this is just "showing" for interface!

for example,

this is a random my pic(camera) actual directory. "storage/" directory is exist!

but in "file manager", same file showing "different name" of directory. this dir name is not actual directory name. (like a shortcut?)

if the extension and permission block asking "can i use only a part of your kind of storage?", correct matter that you asking. but "storage" dir is exist and if i get permission to use my external storage, this is not dir name problem as i know... right?

but, have you tried what i said

what try?

this is actually "storage" folder. not 'μ €μž₯μ†Œ'folder.
μ €μž₯μ†Œis fake name.
i cant change it, bcz μ €μž₯μ†Œ name is only used by file manager(to ONLY SHOWING). it has nothing to do with ai2...

understand? nothing to do "replace" to.

μ €μž₯μ†Œ>emulated>0>bla

like auto translate by file manager app

if you asking "change the screenshot folder to another dir.", also i cant. i dont know how to change extension default setting..

If you don't try it, I don't know what to help you with

Use the when TaifunScreenshot. AfterScreenshot
to an image component to see if the image is successfully taken.

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:thinking: talking same thing 4 times,

this shot is FAKE. literally fake folder name. μ €μž₯μ†Œ is auto translated.
this REAL dir name is ACTUALLY "storage/"
if you keep asking "this is μ €μž₯μ†Œ, not storage.", i would feel racism then...

and if the problem was "reading", i would got same question...
but this is from permission to "save" image.

just tried but nothing happened to text, image both.. :cry:
still same error message..

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Try to do only
See if any thing happened

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i tried many things,

i found problem :joy:

that additional dir in ".filename" (like my Systemvent_scr/ dir) was not for external path i guess..
i deleted this block and tried again, then it worked.
idk about "emulated" dir, but guess it's used as temporary folder..

gotta give up making shot to sort in folder :joy:

oh, yes. it was correct.

thank you for your help. :wink:

but i wanted "capturing whole of the page? screen? over scroll" actually. not as pdf.
do you know about it?

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This extension can convert a layout to an image.

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THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED!!!!!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:
Actually working well!!

Thank you so much!! I love you!
Have a Nice day!! :kissing_heart:

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the extencion put imagen.jpg in /imagen.jpg, component images use /sdcard/imagen.jpg to read, lienzo use /imagen.jpg to save too. so, you need use /sdcard/imagen.jpg, the variable imagen dont work, becase send a text /extorage...../image.jpg and this dont exits because is /sdcard/image.jpg