GeneratePassword - Returns a Random String with special characters example:- GfVV<j&Dx9$(8o}Op%#e ,etc of any lenght you enter.NOTE:-Minimum Possible length is 4 β length input type number
This Update handles all these:
include at least one lowercase letter
include at least one uppercase letter
include at least one number
include at least one special character (often listed)
GeneratePassword - Returns a Random String with special characters example:- GfVV<j&Dx9$(8o}Op%#e ,etc of any lenght you enter. β length input type number
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Nice to see you creating extensions. However, do not that you must follow the naming conventions while uploading an extension. Please remove the underscore (_) to follow the naming conventions.
Looks like you may have produced an extension that will become very popular. You might like to enhance it. Many websites are picky about the special characters used. Also there can be rules in addition to minimum / maximum length of the password, especially how many upper and lower case letters must be present, how many numbers must be present, how many special characters must be present.