[FREE] UUID - generate /retrieve a unique id of your device

Instead of this extension we can use wifi and get the mac address . Mac address always remain the same and unique per device.

why not show us how to do that ?

A post was split to a new topic: How to make a leaderboard in MIT Inventor?

Android does not allow that. Android 6.0 Changes  |  Android Developers

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i have a question: if user deletes the app and download again uuid will be the same ?

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Did you read this topic? Your answer is there.

oh yeah, I'm sorry

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Hi, is it possible to use internal storage, because some users not using sd card

It indeed save on the internal storage. I already edited the first post.

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Is it possible to use this extension with Android 13? If so, I imagine I'm doing something wrong.

I've already changed the manual permissions within the manifest.xml, but I still get an empty return. On Android 9 it works normally.

what exactly did you change in the manifest?

I've added and removed every Storage Permission you can imagine.
I'm not very familiar with code development, but I saw several topics. Some said to add Storage Read and Write permission. Others said it was no longer necessary. The fact is that I receive error 908 when I deal with screen errors. And I always get the empty UUID

in the end you need an extension, which works for all Android versions without modifying the manifest...
let's wait for an answer from @Kevinkun ... probably the extension needs a SDK33 update...


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Did you set the default filescope to Legacy ?

Just tested, working OK in Companion 2.68u on Android 13

In Companion it works fine. However, when the APK is generated and installed on Android13, it does not work.
I've already tested all the modes, but currently the filescope is in legacy at the request of the extension itself.

Confirmed, generates Error 908 request for WRITEEXTERNALSTORAGE has been denied.

Alternative you should try:

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It's works! Thank you!

A post was merged into an existing topic: [FREE] DeviceFingerprint: Uniquely identify devices

Maybe this exention not working any more due to more and more strict regulations of Google?

Another option is to use Device extension and MD5 extension like this:

use this md5 string as uuid.