Perimeter and Area Calculator💡 Current Version 2.0
📁 File Size 8.39 KB
📦 com.ayproductions.appinventor.extensions.arithmetic.geometry.perimeterandarea.pac.PAC
📅 Created On 2022-01-20
Method Blocks
CalculateAreaOfRectangle - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
➜ length input type number
➜ breadth input type number
➜ sqUnit input type text
CalculateAreaOfSquare - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
➜ side input type number
➜ sqUnit input type text
CalculateBreadthOfRectangle - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
➜ perimeter input type number
➜ length input type number
➜ unit input type text
CalculateLengthOfEachSideOfSquare - Calculates the length of each side of square
➜ perimeter input type number
➜ unit input type text
CalculateLengthOfRectangle - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
➜ perimeter input type number
➜ breadth input type number
➜ unit input type text
CalculatePerimeterOfEquilateralTriangle - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
➜ sides input type number
➜ unit input type text
CalculatePerimeterOfIscoscelesTriangle - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
➜ equalSides input type number
➜ unequalSide input type number
➜ unit input type text
CalculatePerimeterOfRectangle - Calculates the perimeter of rectangle
➜ length input type number
➜ breadth or width input type number
➜ unit input type text
CalculatePerimeterOfScaleneTriangle - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
➜ side1 input type number
➜ side2 input type number
➜ side3 input type number
➜ unit input type text
CalculatePerimeterOfSquare - Calculates the perimeter of square
➜ side input type number
➜ unit input type text
CalculatePerimeterOfTriangle - Calculates the perimeter of triangle
➜ side1 input type number
➜ side2 input type number
➜ side3 input type number
➜ unit input type text
Property Blocks
DefaultMetricMeasurementUnit - Property for DefaultMetricMeasurementUnit (Not yet meant for use)
➜ Input type text
UnitCentimetre - Returns text 'cm'
➜ Return type any
UnitCentimetreSq2 - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
➜ Return type any
UnitDecametre - Returns text 'dam'
➜ Return type any
UnitDecimetre - Returns text 'dm'
➜ Return type any
UnitHectometre - Returns text 'hm'
➜ Return type any
UnitKilometre - Returns text 'km'
➜ Return type any
UnitMetre - Returns text 'm'
➜ Return type any
UnitMillimetre - Returns text 'mm'
➜ Return type any
UnitSquareUnit - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
➜ Return type any
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