What does LoginWithOTP do?
I guess it authenticates a user to use the features
Amazing expansion
LoginWithOTP is a block for authenticating an user when the user is logging / signing-up
in the Telegram app for the first time. The user can login into the Telegram app directly without entering any OTP with the help of this block.
Not really. All the blocks work fine & perfectly even if the LoginWithOTP block is not used
So your extension just uses intents?
Yes and no at the same time
Add audio calling system between two user without open app
Could you show some examples with this extension because it turns out to me that I made some mistakes and I probably do not fully understand it
Hai, i wanna ask, is this extension can send text to a bot. and catch the reply from the bot?
i think for that you need a separate extension - https://community.kodular.io/t/free-telegram-bot-api-extension/95706
Which block we can use?
It's pretty easy to do it without an extension:
Just do a request using the web component.
You can find other methods using Telegram API Guide.
oh can it?can you give me the screenshot sample for send text and receive the reply?
I don't think that is yet possible with this extension
That is nice but the MIT appybuilder is not working for me for Android.
appybuilder? or appinventor?
I think the first step to creating a telegram bot with PHP is to know to this programming language
and then after creating your telegram bot with Botfather, you have to know how to send requests to telegram bot API with PHP There are a lot of libraries that can help you in this progress and this site: eshloon helped me to know to use telegram better .