[FREE] Take screenshot of components, arrangement and screen | Extension ComponentToImage

Component To Image | Free

You can convert any component to image. Take screenshot of specific component or screen


πŸ“¦ 4.91 KB
πŸ“ com.jerin.s2b.ComponentToImage

Permissions :


What's New 😍

πŸ†• Save image to ASD in Android 10 and to External storage in below versions

πŸ†• Create image of scroll arrangements and screens

β€’ Reduced size 5kb



Method for convertToImage

component component component or screen to create image
saveAs text filename or path to save


Event raised after image created and saved

filePath text complete path to file saved


πŸ‘‡πŸ½ Download Extension

:bug: Feel free to share your thoughts and report bugs

Documentation generated with Getaix.com


Means, that saveAs is the relative path and saves the image in:
on Android < 10 and in the ASD for Android β‰₯ 10.



Good Extension @Jerin_Jacob

I used it this way because you only need permission when Android version < 10.



I'm using Qutil class to getExternalStorage ,
Since I'm having confusions with ASD.

I really like this extension. Used it several times. For instance here.

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Glad to hear that Peter :relaxed:

I was unable to post extensions in AppInventor community.
It says, need approval from moderator. :frowning_face:

However this one is live now.

Thank You

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Wow, very good extension :+1::+1:

That is why all extensions have to go through this proces

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It's a very good extension Jerin. Would be great if it could save to the shared directory /pictures in Android 10+

See Anke's guide:

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I found this extension, but I do not want to save it in the device , I want to set it in an image component .picture inside the app .

With that extension you will have to save it as a file first, before you can display it in an image component. You could store these files in a specific directory, then delete them as and when they are no longer required, or if just the one file, keep overwriting it using the same file name.

Nothing saved !!

Nothing saved or you did not find the file, because it is stored in ASD?

Also which Android version are you using for your tests? Btw. to store something in ASD, no permission is required...

Which filepath do you get in the Created event?


Android 13

I didnt find it in the phone gallary

you can only find those images in the gallery, which are accessible
images in the ASD are not accessible by other apps and the ComponentToImage extension stores the image in the ASD

also if you store a new image in shared storage it will not automatically appear in the gallery... you first have to refresh the gallery... the tools extension offers a GalleryRefresh method for this...

btw. you forgot to answer the question


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If you wang to see the image in the gallery, you have to first cooy or move it to shared storage


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:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: The task is now completed successfully

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Well done


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