[FREE] TableViewer - fully style customized to show table data

Show all your blocks

What about showing your blocks and your result as @TIMAI2 did?


Yes sure!!!

You are calling ShowTable four times in all...

Move the styling blocks in your procedure in with the other styling blocks, and only call ShowTable once after you have set everything.

You forgot to show us your result
Also I would use the ShowTable method only once afer all configurations have been done


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Selezione not resize!!

Did you fix everything as we suggested ?

Yes but it doesn't change anything..

How many columns do you have in your data, I will see if I can replicate.

Do you want your header row as gray or red ?


I have 6 columns and header is gray

Here it is with 8 columns and all your styling:


(Column G is hidden, Column A is set to 5% width to show it works)

Sorry, why can't you see the letter B in the header?


Also, not sure some of the styling for the header row is coming through.

Thanks to all of you