I made a Database with Baserow, but not able to show data in tableviewer
This works:
Check your output here:
for a well formed list:
and ensure you have the "ListsAsJson" checkbox ticked in the designer (Screen1.Properties)
I am using tableviewer for a few weeks now and like the way to make a table. I use it to make reports with results. Until now I can't find a way to make a particular table. See below.
Is it possible to make a table like this? I made this one in Word.
May be it is easy to do but I can't find it. Please help me with this.
This is possible with some JavaScript I think.
I will give an example later.
Thank you for working this out for me!
I've implemented your code in my testcode (see aia).
TVHighlightRow(4).aia (63.3 KB)
to make a table. The first cell doesn't show without jasonscript. With js there is also no view.
You may need a separate instance of Tableviewer for each table you are displaying to be certain you are running the js against the correct table.
I think that I know what you mean. How do you separate that? By use a different window?
By the way. When I use no jasonscript. The first table row doesn't show also. Or is this only done by js?
O you mean a Tableviewer2??
I have tried to split de the two tables but is doesn't work
Yes, one instance of the extension (just drag another out) for each table.
See this example:
TV2Span.aia (26.1 KB)
Strange.. try with 250ms on the clock?
Seems to be that on the first run in companion tableviewer needs a little bit longer to set itself up.
That's the case I think. After running the Apk. It does it right.
When I make a list/table with make in tv1data is does nothing. Making a list with csv gives a table.
What is the difference or do I forget something?
TV2Span(1).aia (26.4 KB)
You could have compared the output of each:
Can you see your error ?
Thats it!! I forget to make a row of one item. Thank you very much. Now I'm going to figure out how it works with my code. I'll let it know..
I updated the extention, and added an OnShowTable event, then you will not need the clock.Timer event.
Please download again and update.
Ah, very fine that you have done this. I am gone update first.