[FREE] πŸ”— SharingX - Additional Features to the Sharing Component!


A non-visible extension that provides some additional tools along with the App Inventor built-in Sharing component.

:package: Package name: com.gordonlu.sharingx.aix

:date: Date: 2022-02-08T11:16:00Z





This event returns the social media package name if an app is not installed.

Parameters: packageName = text




Shares a file through any capable application installed on the phone by displaying a list of the available apps and allowing the user to choose one from the list. The selected app will open with the file inserted on it. The socket file should be an absolute path pointing to the file.

If the file is not found, a toast will appear as 'File not found'.

Parameters: file = text



Shares both a file and a message through any capable application installed on the phone by displaying a list of available apps and allowing the user to choose one from the list. The selected app will open with the file and message inserted on it. The socket file should be an absolute path pointing to the file location.

If the file is not found, a toast will appear as 'File not found'.

Parameters: file = text, message = text



Shares a message through any capable application installed on the phone by displaying a list of the available apps and allowing the user to choose one from the list. The selected app will open with the message inserted on it.

Parameters: message = text



Shares the message through Twitter. If the app is not found, the AppNotFound event is fired.

Parameters: message = text

Note: this did not work on one of my emulators. I will check what is going on. Thank you!



Shares the message through Whatsapp. If the app is not found, the AppNotFound event is fired.

Parameters: message = text


TXT: Not available yet.

AIX: com.gordonlu.sharingx.aix (10.0 KB)


I am currently still conducting the tests. Thank you!

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Made with Niotron IDE.

Kindly :email: PM me if you have any questions! Also, if you like my extension, please :heart: like it! It takes some effort for me to make it...

Votes and likes tell me the general user feedback of my extension. If you read this extension, please take 20 seconds to drop by and give a vote / like!

If you have any features that you want to add and you know the code, PM me or directly post here.

Gordon Lu

:speech_balloon: Message :earth_africa: Website :e-mail: E-mail


Nice extension!!

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nice work!

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I still can't figure out the problem in Twitter sharing. I'll try tomorrow.

Did you use any code from the Twitter component?

There is an issue posted a couple of years ago.

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Nice work but i am wondering there is a extension which has almost same name and have blocks like yours in fact even more?



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No, it wasn't taken from that.

I saw the extensions before, I want to make my own version, so I decided to post it here.

Its good you made but i am thinking what is the use of this extension firstly that one has more blocks + its open source?

I know. I didn't look at the source code, I wanted to use this extension for learning. People can just download either one of them.

I want to try making the extension, in my own way, without looking at the source code.


Great Extension @gordonlu310


Is it possible to share a grey scale image?

Your issue is about saving an image that has been greyscaled, not about sharing it.

my issue is about sharing the greyscaled image, do you have any solution on this, let me know, also help me on cropping the camera image

I provided the solution unfortunately the website is not working at the moment.

Use Taifun's Image extension to crop the image.

Your cropper tool is the best so please help me on the camera cropper