[FREE, TEST] PAC : Calculate Perimeter and also Area with ease!


Perimeter and Area Calculator

💡  Current Version 2.0
📁  File Size 8.39 KB
📦  com.ayproductions.appinventor.extensions.arithmetic.geometry.perimeterandarea.pac.PAC
📅   Created On 2022-01-20

Method Blocks


CalculateAreaOfRectangle - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
length input type number
breadth input type number
sqUnit input type text


CalculateAreaOfSquare - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
side input type number
sqUnit input type text


CalculateBreadthOfRectangle - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
perimeter input type number
length input type number
unit input type text


CalculateLengthOfEachSideOfSquare - Calculates the length of each side of square
perimeter input type number
unit input type text


CalculateLengthOfRectangle - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
perimeter input type number
breadth input type number
unit input type text


CalculatePerimeterOfEquilateralTriangle - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
sides input type number
unit input type text


CalculatePerimeterOfIscoscelesTriangle - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
equalSides input type number
unequalSide input type number
unit input type text


CalculatePerimeterOfRectangle - Calculates the perimeter of rectangle
length input type number
breadth or width input type number
unit input type text


CalculatePerimeterOfScaleneTriangle - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
side1 input type number
side2 input type number
side3 input type number
unit input type text


CalculatePerimeterOfSquare - Calculates the perimeter of square
side input type number
unit input type text


CalculatePerimeterOfTriangle - Calculates the perimeter of triangle
side1 input type number
side2 input type number
side3 input type number
unit input type text

Property Blocks


DefaultMetricMeasurementUnit - Property for DefaultMetricMeasurementUnit (Not yet meant for use)
➜ Input type text


UnitCentimetre - Returns text 'cm'
➜ Return type any


UnitCentimetreSq2 - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
➜ Return type any


UnitDecametre - Returns text 'dam'
➜ Return type any


UnitDecimetre - Returns text 'dm'
➜ Return type any


UnitHectometre - Returns text 'hm'
➜ Return type any


UnitKilometre - Returns text 'km'
➜ Return type any


UnitMetre - Returns text 'm'
➜ Return type any


UnitMillimetre - Returns text 'mm'
➜ Return type any


UnitSquareUnit - Sample Function Generated by Niotron
➜ Return type any

This documentation is generated using AIX Docs - Cttricks. Hit the :heart: button if you liked this extension and feel free to comment below your reviews and suggestions!

Click here to download this extension.

I hope it saved some of your time!


Again, this can all too easily be done with basic blocks and maths...

blocks (10)

Follow the guidelines for extensions:



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So that means even though I make simple extensions I won't make it right?

It saves some time for people, not everybody knows the formula for it so I saved their time :slightly_smiling_face:...

and you are also showing the uselessness of my extensions :frowning_face:...which does not inspire me to make any extensions...

no, please no flagging this...

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@AyProductions he is not demotivating you, but he is saying that you can easily make these kind of functionality using built-in blocks.

We all are trying to keep community clean and more user-friendly for beginners.

And the meaning of extension is to increase the functionality of any platform if you are making extensions for App Inventor then it must be helpful for someone and I think this extension doesn't make much sense.


did you know how much effort i took to make this extension?

it saves people's times

not everybody knows how to find out the perimeter of square , do they?

@AyProductions I know that how much time is required, hardly 5 to 10 minutes because I am also Developer.

But I can say one thing for learning it takes too much time so I can understand.

Don't blame @TIMAI2 because he is respected person of the community and he helped lot's of people even me also.


ok i wont blame but please do not say this extension doesn't make any sense

Apprezziamo la tua buona volontà per aver creato questa estensione; ma un'estensione rappresenta quella funzionalità in più; che non è già presente in modo nativo, all'interno di Mit App Inventor.


thanks so much ! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I know that people like to make extensions. However, if you go back to the documentation of extensions, you see:

App Inventor Extensions let anyone create Extension Components. Extension components can be used in building projects, just like other components. The difference is that extension components can be distributed on the Web and loaded into App Inventor dynamically: they do not have to be built into the App Inventor system, and they can be imported into projects as needed.

Your extension is not too bad, but what you are doing now is kind of replicating App Inventor built-in blocks. One or two test extensions for learning is enough, you do not need to post too many of them. This is why an evaluation process is taken before you post every extension.

Extensions are components that are meant to be not available with built-in blocks. Thank you for your effort, but please see @TIMAI2 's topic. Usually everybody know the formula of calculating squares and triangles.

Also, Tim is not demotivating you - he is just trying to maintain the order of the community. He is our power user and a moderator. One test extension is enough. You do not need to post multiple topics of test extensions.


Off Topic

Isn't it a very very big package name :sweat_smile:


It sure is! :sweat_smile:


By definition, a test extension is an extension that can be replicated with built-in blocks. I know users feel happy about the result of extensions (me too), but too much is not good.


Just added it for fun...

I was hoping for more shapes—trapezoids, quadrilaterals, and irregular shapes.
Pretty good extension, nonetheless.


yes as i still study in grade 4 teachers did not teach them yet so i will try my best to implement it soon...

you can tell me the shapes you want by DM or replying me

Extension not too bad :no_mouth:...

But, please make extensions that are unavailable with built in blocks in the future please. Think about it: if extensions are all available with built-in blocks, there is no need for an extension!

Think about something that cannot be done with built-in blocks. That's the purpose for extensions!


ok thanks for motivating me :blush: