[FREE | PAID] ClickZ - An extension to add click, long click and more actions to components!

Because you cannot have two of the same event


clickz.aia (10.0 KB)

and for when you have a lot of clickable components:

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Beautiful example with the lists, now I can understand it perfectly. I had done it the way I mentioned at the beginning, adding an extension for each click, but I was worried about the performance/compilation issue.
Surely adding just one extension and using the list system should be much faster than adding a bunch of extensions? thank you for your attention.

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Hi, can you help me with this error please?

Set your app icon to a square png file of a size no greater than 512x512

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same error with me

Version 10 having errors when building it to apk

Problem using the extension when i need i try to launch the Companion v:2.73
(In general with all the extensions cince 20/11/2024)
Android version: 11. Phone: Samsung A30s

well, you forgot to tell us, which problem... bur I guess, it is this one


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Jep it its fixed now on the new verison the download il the is on this topic of the same error: The new version of companion download v2.73t2u

How do I register a label that was dynamically created?

if you are using CompCreator , you can just feed it with the create block.

I'm using DynamicComponents.

Then you should be setting an id when you create it ?

Correct. I am doing that. But the click event doesn't do anything when I click the label.

A component does not == an id

I thought when you create multiple dynamic components that they are assigned numeric values as an 'id' or way to later identify which component to take action upon?

you are mis understanding a component and component's id.

When I try to register the component name 'Label' it won't snap in.
So I have to drag into my project an actual Label1 and use that as the component to build dynamic labels? Is that the idea here?

See how you get the component for the component with the id HA_0_ID:

Use the same block but with your label id lab_1_ID


I understand what you mean. That did work. Thank you.

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