[FREE] OneSignalPush: Integrate latest OneSignal SDK (5.0.2) in your app to send Push notifications [DEPRECATED]

you are amazing, what a great job you do, thank you for making it available, you are amazing

Bom dia, o senhor irá disponibilizar o vídeo ensinando a configuração?

In which step exactly did you stuck?

Making a video is no big deal, but the issue is that uploading it somewhere online is not convenient for me due to poor internet connection.

Eu travei em dois momentos

  1. como eu configuro o signal e o firebase para pegar a api e configurar, ou posso simplesmente usar o sua chave api?

  2. Como eu faço para implementar essa notificação dentro do meu aplicativo, ou ele envia por fora, coloco o link do meu aplicativo onde para abrir direto pela notificação?

Desde já agradeço

Daria para fazer upload do vídeo no Google drive também para ser acessado junto com a API

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I'm using your Push_latest_v2.aia,I did all steps and replaced the App Id and Api with mine, when i click init button or ask button or opt in button, i get "true" - when i tried to click "Send to All" or "Send to Me" or "Send Cutom", i get notifier message "Connection reset" - when i tried to use dashboard.onesignal.com to send messages it works successfully

Please upload apk to drive and share link here or in pm.

Apk and aia Push Apk - Google Drive

There is bug in SendToAll method.
I have fixed it but now I am looking for ways to reduce aix size and after that I'll release the update.


I apologize.
There is no bug in the method itself. It is in OneSignal Web API.
Messages with included_segments are not getting sent from api and showing All included players are not subscribed error.
But at the same time messages can be sent from dashboard. :man_shrugging:

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OK thanks. So I guess we'll have to wait...

But could you tell me if I am using the block correctly?

Api key is different from app id.
You can find api key just below app id in Keys & IDs.

Also largeIcon should be an url.

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ok, Thank you. Fixed up.

Boa tarde .vknow360
Poderia encaminhar os comprovantes para eu inserir no meu projeto

Desde já agradeço

Sorry, what do you mean?

Para você enviar as extensões

Eu preciso colocar no meu projeto para enviar notificação, mas preciso das extensões/componentes para colocar no projeto

Desde já agradeço!

Please use a translator.
I am getting very much confused.

OneSignalDeps and OneSignalPush extensions are available in drive folder with version name.

DeepLink extension is not needed generally unless you want to send a link specifically for your app in notification.

Please use a translator.
I am getting very much confused.

OneSignalDeps and OneSignalPush extensions are available in drive folder with version name.

DeepLink extension is not needed generally unless you want to send a link specifically for your app in notification.