Here's your aia @Vokam_GamingYt networkspeedv2test.aia (7.0 KB)
Why this show only one speed. I want every time it show my network speed like speedmeter apps. Can it possible??
It's showing the speed in KBPS. It does not show same speed always.
As I wrote above, this extension is not for this... and it would be good if the author described exactly what this extension can do, because as you can see, users expect a test of the real speed of the Internet, and not the maximum speed of the network.
I already told this extension can determine your Network Speed.
I took some help from Stackoverflow, where it's clearly written that
Once @vknow360 shared the same Stackoverflow link in another community
Follow what official Android Docs says. Not StackOverflow
It's good to put a notice that it will give maximum bandwidth and not the speed.
The network speed must be checked by connecting to the server and sent data packets to it. Accordingly, we measure the speed by the time take to upload
instead of extensions i use webviewer and set the home url to
which is speed test website and you can check your speed in the app
there are so many disadvantages in your way
It means we can calculate by downloading some content with specific size from the server, records it's time then use math formula to calculate download speed.
And Similarly by uploading some content of specific size to find out the upload speed
I totally agree with you here
Using a webviewer is not your own work.