[FREE] My First Extension! (Test Extension) Geometry Calculator πŸ“

Hi everyone,

I'm here to present my first (also test) extension! :triangular_ruler::straight_ruler:It helps you with some simple geometry problems, like area, perimeter, and circles. Moderators can unlist this topic since this is only a test extension.

Currently I'm still in elementary school, I can't calculate pi.

Overview of Blocks


Most of the blocks are very easy to use, so I'm just going to define the following blocks.

The 'side' here refers to the right-angle side of an isoceles triangle. I'm having a spelling error with it, trying to fix it.


Upper and lower refer to the upper and lower bases of a trapezium. If you don't know, look at this graph:


  1. Perimeter of isoceles triangles


If you don't understand, see this:

Note: Pi in my extension is taken as 3.14.

Download Sources

AIX file: com.appybuilder.gordonlu0749.Maths.aix (7.2 KB)

TXT source code: Maths.txt (3.4 KB)

  • Good extension!
  • Bad extension.

0 voters


Version 2 Updated!

AIX file: com.appybuilder.gordonlu0749.Maths.aix (7.3 KB)

TXT source file: Maths.txt (3.9 KB)

New Updated:

  • Fixed spelling mistakes
  • Added functions to calculate the perimeter of circles, regular hexagons and regular pentagons.

I personally suggest you do not create extension in appy builder it is old and gives wrong error

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OK then what other IDEs should I use?

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Niotron Ide or Rush

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or AppInventor Sources or Extension Template !!

These are for building/compiling an extension. There are many IDE's you can use to develop, e.g. IntelliJ, VSCode to name but two...


Nice extension

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Is NiotronIDE giving me an .nix file?

No that give aix file I create extension on Niotron Ide and I got aix

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Ok I’ll check it out later.

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@gordonlu310 You have to click the 'Compile Extension' button. It seems you clicked on 'Export project' button.

BTW Nice extension !


Very Nice Extension @gordonlu310

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Yes you're right, Niotron IDE is newer, and AppyBuilder is always giving errors.

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Do not click Save Extension Try Clicking Compile Extension would give aix

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New Version 3!

New added blocks:

(I'm closing this topic... if you have any questions, PM me instead)


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