[FREE]πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ MotionDetection Extension: OpenCV based motion detection with area marking

MotionDetection: Detect motion in real time


  1. MotionDetection via camera
  2. Rectangle drawing around motion

:potted_plant:Use Cases

  1. Detect motion via camera
  2. Trigger events when motion is detected
  3. Use phone as a security camera
  4. Detect part of feed where motion occurs

:movie_camera: Demo video


:jigsaw: Blocks


:yellow_heart: OnMotionDetected

Triggered when motion is detected. Returns the number of points where motion is detected.

Parameter Type
motionAreas number

:yellow_heart: OnCameraError

Triggered when camera error occurs.

Parameter Type
errorMessage text

:yellow_heart: OnError

Triggered when View encounters an error.

Parameter Type
errorCode number
description text
failingUrl text


:purple_heart: Initialize

Initialize the motion detection system inside an arrangement.

Parameter Type
container component

:purple_heart: StopDetection

Stop motion detection and release resources.

Sample Blocks

Loading the MotionDetection inside Horizonal Arrangement and starting detection.

Download the extension

I'm a 16 year old high school student, I like to create and maintain many extensions. I research a lot daily to bring something new to App Inventor :smiley:
While my primary goal and perspective on App Inventor is not to earn money, it really helps and motivates me a lot if you could spare some donations. :hugs:

:jigsaw:io.opencv.motiondetection (45.0 KB)

Building something awesome!
Sarthak Gupta @techxsarthak


Done :+1:

motionAreas is number?

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Yes, the number of rectangles formed or the number or places where motion was detected
BTW did you flag the above post?

Renaming these events as suggested below would be good practice.

OnMotionDetected β†’ MotionDetected
OnCameraError β†’ CameraError


(Offtopic)When you take a look at most of the native components and many extensions how they are named :joy: . How often you will find this β€žwhen afterβ€œ thing? but I agree with you.

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