[Paid] πŸ“· CameraFilters: Take photos and videos with filters, overlays, and transitions!

CameraFilters: :movie_camera: Transform photos and videos with filters, overlays, and transitions in real-time! :camera_flash::sparkles:


  1. Record videos and click photos with filters
  2. Apply multiple filters at once

:potted_plant:Use Cases

  1. Making an advanced photography app
  2. Use along with MotionDetection extension to take video when motion is detected
  3. Use phone as a security camera
  4. Detect number of faces with FaceDetection extension

:movie_camera: Demo Image captured

:jigsaw: Blocks


:yellow_circle: OnError

Triggered when an error occurs

Parameter Type
errorMessage text

:yellow_circle: OnRecordingStarted

Triggered when recording starts

:yellow_circle: OnVideoSaved

Triggered when the video is saved, returning the file path

Parameter Type
filePath text

:yellow_circle: OnPhotoCaptured

Triggered when a photo is captured, returning the file path

Parameter Type
filePath text



:purple_heart: Initialize

Initialize the video filter system in the given arrangement

Parameter Type
container component

:purple_heart: Grayscale

Apply grayscale filter (intensity: 0-100)

Parameter Type
intensity number

:purple_heart: Sepia

Apply sepia filter (intensity: 0-100)

Parameter Type
intensity number

:purple_heart: Invert

Apply invert filter (intensity: 0-100)

Parameter Type
intensity number

:purple_heart: Blur

Apply blur filter (intensity: 0-20 pixels)

Parameter Type
intensity number

:purple_heart: Brightness

Apply brightness filter (intensity: 0-200%)

Parameter Type
intensity number

:purple_heart: Contrast

Apply contrast filter (intensity: 0-200%)

Parameter Type
intensity number

:purple_heart: HueRotate

Apply hue rotation filter (intensity: 0-360 degrees)

Parameter Type
intensity number

:purple_heart: Saturate

Apply saturation filter (intensity: 0-200%)

Parameter Type
intensity number

:purple_heart: RemoveFilter

Remove a specific filter

Parameter Type
filterName text

:purple_heart: ClearFilters

Remove all filters

:purple_heart: TogglePreview

Toggle filter preview on/off

Parameter Type
enabled boolean

:purple_heart: SetResolution

Set video resolution (width and height in pixels)

Parameter Type
width number
height number

:purple_heart: FlipCamera

Switch between front (true) and back (false) camera

Parameter Type
useFront boolean

:purple_heart: SetZoom

Set zoom level (1-10)

Parameter Type
zoom number

:purple_heart: SetExposure

Set exposure compensation (-2 to 2)

Parameter Type
exposure number

:purple_heart: EnableAudio

Enable or disable audio recording

Parameter Type
enabled boolean

:purple_heart: CapturePhoto

Capture a photo with current filters

:purple_heart: StartRecording

Start recording the video

:purple_heart: StopRecording

Stop recording the video

:purple_heart: SetVideoSavePath

Set custom save directory for videos (e.g., 'MyVideos')

Parameter Type
path text

:purple_heart: SetPhotoSavePath

Set custom save directory for photos (e.g., 'MyPhotos')

Parameter Type
path text

:purple_heart: SetVideoQuality

Set video quality (0.1 to 1.0)

Parameter Type
quality number

:purple_heart: SetPhotoQuality

Set photo quality (0.1 to 1.0)

Parameter Type
quality number

:purple_heart: SetVideoFilePrefix

Set custom prefix for video filenames

Parameter Type
prefix text

:purple_heart: SetPhotoFilePrefix

Set custom prefix for photo filenames

Parameter Type
prefix text

:purple_heart: ShowTimestamp

Show or hide timestamp overlay

Parameter Type
show boolean

:purple_heart: AddFilterThumbnail

Add a filter preview thumbnail

Parameter Type
filterName text
intensity number

:purple_heart: ClearThumbnails

Clear all filter preview thumbnails

:purple_heart: AddImageOverlay

Add an image overlay at position (x,y) with specified width and height

Parameter Type
imagePath text
x number
y number
width number
height number

:purple_heart: AddTextOverlay

Add a text overlay at position (x,y) with specified color (e.g., 'red', '#FF0000')

Parameter Type
text text
x number
y number
color text

:purple_heart: ClearOverlays

Clear all overlays

:purple_heart: SetFilterTransition

Set filter transition effect (types: 'fade', 'linear'; duration in milliseconds)

Parameter Type
type text
duration number

Sample Blocks

Download the extension

You can purchase the extension for just 11.99$ from below! :hugs:

Building something awesome!
Sarthak Gupta @techxsarthak


You might reduce a lot blocks by adding (drop-down) helper blocks.


I think it might not be feasible as each block has a specific limit of values that is shown by tooltip. But I will try for the next update.
Thanks for your suggestion :hugs:

Using this extension you can make a camera app just like your default camera app but with various filters, transitions, overlays, time recording etc. powered by OpenCV

These blocks could easily be merged into one method with the helper-blocks.


Yes, although within the extension code you could set conditions for when a certain parameter is passed.
For example, you could use a filter block with the help block that has all the filters and the other parameter with the value.


Thanks @JEWEL and @Joejsanz will try it in the next version


Also consider renaming blocks.

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