[FREE] Lottie Animations, in Companion and APK

The LottieAnimation extension is written in Java and compiled using JDK11. This extension allows you to load lottie animations from json in a simple manner. The extension works in Companion and APK.

Method Blocks



This method allows you to load a lottie animation file from assets into a Web Viewer.



This method configures web viewer to work as a lottie player, so it can display your lottie animation correctly (no zoom, no scroll, transparent background)


Next implementations

  • Add lottie player events (animationStart, animationEnd, animationLoop, etc.)
  • Add play/stop methods
  • Remove configureWebViewer method and configure web viewer automatically when a lottie file is loaded

Downloads :inbox_tray:
AIX: com.tomasbarak.LottieAnimation.aix (84.7 KB)
AIA: LottieAnimationOfficial.aia (87.3 KB)


Great extension , however when there is touch or swipe in web view it shows zoom in/out icons .

I have made simple extension to disable touch of webview.
com.xtiger.webviewerxt.aix (4.1 KB)

Configure webview doesnt works as excepted,
Instead of configure webview you can add it

@SimpleFunction(description = "Make the given WebViewer non-touchable")
public void makeNonTouchable(WebViewer webViewer) {
    if (webViewer != null) {
        View webView = webViewer.getView();
        // Disable touch events
        webView.setOnTouchListener((v, event) -> true);
        // Disable focus
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You should post your extension separately. It will be better than hijacking this thread.


This extension only has one function to make web viewer non touchable to hide zoom out in. This is not hijacking topics , i think it would be useful for others too who face same problem.

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Regardless, it would make more sense to post it in the Extensions category, then link it back to here.

Also, the extension could do with an unset method, so that specific pages could be set to "untouchable"

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will i work android 14