A non-visible extension that sets a visible component's font dynamically. You can choose between Serif, Sans Serif, Monospace or Default.
Package name: com.gordonlu.fonttypeface.aix
Version: 1
Release date: 2022-03-11T02:00:00Z
If you want options beyond this, you can use MyFonts by @Anke.
If you just want to set it to these four options, OK, you can use this.
Tested components
User Interface: Button, Checkbox, DatePicker, Label, ListPicker, PasswordTextBox, Switch, TextBox, TimePicker.
Media: ImagePicker
Social: ContactPicker, EmailPicker, PhoneNumberPicker
Method blocks
Sets the font typeface of the TextBox, including whether to bold, italicize, and the font of the TextBox. Use the blocks in the properties of this extension for the font parameter. If useCurrentFont is true, the font parameter will be ignored.
Some components have properties to set bold or italic. If you want to keep them, but change the typeface, it is OK.
Parameters: component - component, bold = boolean, italic = boolean, font = text, useCurrentFont = boolean
Property blocks
A font block.
Returns: "DEFAULT"
A font block.
Returns: "MONOSPACE"
A font block.
Returns: "SANS SERIF"
A font block.
Returns: "SERIF"
Open Source
Yes, this extension is open source! View it in GitHub.
AIX: com.gordonlu.fonttypeface.aix (6.9 KB)
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Made with Niotron IDE.
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