[FREE] Financial Calculator Extension

Extensions should (generally) be avoided as long as there is a native solution available.

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I don't agree, but that's your opinion.

I think extensions should only be used when there is no built-in solution available. The whole point of introducing extensions is to provide extra features to App Inventor. This way, even if we want to do something that is unavailable in App Inventor's built-in system, such as getting battery info, we can still achieve this with an extension. If it is already built-in, this would simply be repetition. Plus, extensions only work on Android...

But yes, I'll leave it up to users to decide whether they think the extension suits them. This is their opinion. I'm just sharing mine.

Probably not so easy...

For a better understanding of those calculations, @Passos_0213 might want to explain the most complicated formula more in detail to convice those who have doubts.. because this extension is not just to add a +b...

@Passos_0213 Also you are using a library to do the calculations... therefore please provide a link to that library to credit the library author...

EDIT: I now added a link in the first post

Tfank you for your contribution
Keep up the good work


Which calculations should be so complicated? I don't see that. They are actually all quite trivial calculations from descriptive statistics and financial mathematics.

Perhaps @ABG (as a “mathematical heavyweight”) has something more to say about this. :wink:

The currency formatter block is new territory, and not obvious to me.

A person who works with the financial formulas may be more interested in the milk than raising the herd of cows.

Let the market decide.

In addition, something seems to be wrong with the standard deviation and variance. Anyone can understand and check my simple blocks for themselves. So I think my results are correct.

Sorry, cannot check either results without knowing the List of numbers evaluated. :cry:

Ok, here is the aia to check it:
FinancialCalculator_2.aia (2.7 MB)

Thank you. Using 19 21 23 25 and 27 I calculate 8, you calculate 8 the extension calculates 10

however the results from this online variance calculator calculates EITHER 8 or 10 depending whether you use a formula for a Sample (10) or a Population (8)

so, take your choice :wink: Both you and the extension are BOTH CORRECT. :wink:

  1. Calculate the variance. Variance is the sum of squares divided by the number of data points.

The formula for variance for a population is:

Variance = σ2=Σ(xi−μ)2n�2=Σ(��−�)2�

The formula for variance for a sample set of data is:

Variance = s2=Σ(xi−x¯¯¯)2n−1

I think we realize the number of blocks to perform a single calculation. Imagine all the methods I implemented.

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True! I will add the external library reference.

It would add value to the extension to include usage guides with the blocks, to explain when to ask for different types of variances (population vs sample set).

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Thanks for the sugestion! I will add the guides.

Version 2: com.bosonshiggs.finanlcialcalculator.aix (1.7 MB)

Please edit your first post in this thread and upload your new version there
Like this, noone has to search the complete thread for possible extension updates
Thank you


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I don't have permission to edit the POST :cry:

I have edited your post for you Passos. Thanks for version 2. :smile:


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