[FREE] Device πŸ’» - Get device info!

Hi @gordonlu310, when I implement the following procedure:

The outut appears as:

Brand and Model: Nokia TA-1032, Android Vesion: 9, Device Height and Width: 1280+720, Device External Storage: {Total: 7759302656, Used: 4920037376, Available: 2839265280}, Device Internal Storage: {Total: 10554699776, Used: 9244606464, Available: 1310093312}, User Location:

User location doesn't show and what is the unit of the storage?
Please help!


Did you allow the Companion to access your location?




Well it is working for me, as you can see in the previous post. I am figuring out why.

I used the location sensor latitudes and longitudes and got this runtime error:

It happened when I was once testing with the extension's latitudes and longitudes as well.

This checks if the coordinates are in OpenStreetMap API’s database. If it doesn’t exist, then such error would occur.

Sorry, I was testing on companion. Works on compiled APK

Definetily it's old, it runs android 2.1 :skull:. It may show the error because it's lower than the minimum api level.


Your extension is perfect!!

Hi Gordon, I'm trying to get Total Memory with this block, my result is 2.679 0.623

There is a mistake with the permissions in your extension:


I just noticed this by accident.

My bad. I'll update the extension accordingly.

Btw, why would your extension require READ permission?

Hmm...I don't think it needs that (I orginally thought checking the total amount of external storage left requires the READ permission). Let me remove it.

Edit: done.

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Have you already updated the extension in the first post?


Respected Gordon_Lu
Thanks for presenting the best extension.
May I ask how to get Mobile Number with country code.

You can't, right now. I'm sorry, you can only get some other details of the SIM card.

Sir I am trying to save following contents

So I have these blocks

But it is saving empty space like this


What I am doing wrong?

Please help