[FREE] Custom List Picker and Choice Picker Extension

Hi.. thanks for the reply. I am using Device Default.. but really would prefer to use the Classic.

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Unfortunately this extension does not work with AI2 Classic theme.

Also, single choice picker and multiple choice picker dialogs uses device default themes and app accent colors, so it cant be set as per user preferences but you can set app accent color.

For normal list picker dialog you customise its properties by using setter properties.

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Does this extension only work with ListPicker?

and with spinner there will be some extension to change text size, color and centering


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Yes, this works same as list picker.

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Hello, a question, why when I finish selecting my option does the session close on my mobile device? Thank you

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When CustomListPicker.AfterPicking
Set Clock.TimerEnabled to true

When Clock.Timer
Set Clock.TimerEnabled to fasle
open another screen Screen4

Will this still close your device?

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Your Web request requires a selection from the list picker.

That is not available until after the list picker returns a selection.

You cannot use the Web until then.

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You are trying to show two list picker dialogs at a time. See below image.

If you want to show a single choice picker dialog then don't use normal custom show list picker dialog block.

Also check suggestions from ABG.

Hope this helps.

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Does this extension have ID Support?
So that you can create more than 2 lists with the same extension on the screen.

With two SingleChoicePickers on the same screen, the second gives an error without a message and makes the screen flash, then closes the app. This also happens with the companion.

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ID support is not there but you can take two extension components and create 2 lists with each component this will work without any issue and try in Apk.


One more question, i can entrer to the list picker with these blocks.
Someone can help me?

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hello, once i try to run my app using this extension i get the following error: Error from Companion: java.lang.VerifyError: Verifier rejected class com.thekstudio.CustomListPicker.CustomListPicker: void com.thekstudio.CustomListPicker.CustomListPicker.ShowListPicker() failed to verify: void com.thekstudio.CustomListPicker.CustomListPicker.ShowListPicker(): [0x118] register v0 has type Precise Reference: a but expected Reference: android.widget.ArrayAdapter (declaration of 'com.thekstudio.CustomListPicker.CustomListPicker' appears in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3/files/assets/external_comps/com.thekstudio.CustomListPicker/com.thekstudio.CustomListPicker.jar)

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You could help by showing your relevant blocks

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These are my blocks so far, doing many trials with my app i noticed probably an interference with the BASE64 extension, but i'm not 100% sure that this is the main cause of my problem.

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Here is a test aia project. Does this work OK for you?

testcustomLP.aia (18.9 KB)

If it does work, start adding properties and text in your language one by one to see if it errors...

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Thank you for your fast response. It runs on companion, but when i build it i get RUND 8 error: d8 failed.

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My test project builds OK here.

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There is a high chance that one of the extension is not compatible with other.

Try to import all extensions in a sample project and try to build by removing one of the extension which will help you to identify the extension causing build failed.


When this extension is on, it doesn't compile, there seems to be a conflict!

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