An extension that creates a view where we can enter password or PIN.
The extension uses this library:
GitHub - raycoarana/material-code-input: A material style input for codes
Block description:
ActionKeypressed - an event that will be called when we press the Action key on the keyboard. The event returns the type of key pressed.
CharEnter - an event that will be called after each entering the character to Codeinput. The event returns the entered character.
OnDelete - an event that will be called after any removal of the character from Codeinput.
OnInputComplete - an event that will be called after completing the code entry when all fields are filled. The event returns the entered code.
Create - a method that creates a CodeInput component with a specific number of fields (length) in a specific arrangement.
ShowError - a method that causes an error effect.
HideKeyboard - a method that programmatically hides the keyboard.
ShowKeyboard - a method that programmatically opens the keyboard.
ActionKey - a property that sets and returns the type of action key. "0"- done, "1"- previous, "2"- next, "3"- go, "4"- send.
AnimateOnComplete - a property that sets and returns wether after entering the code and when calling an error, the animation is to be shown.
CodeText - a property that programmatically sets text in CodeInput and returns it.
CodeTextColor - a property that sets and returns the color of the code text in CodeInput.
CodeTextMarginBottom - a property that sets and returns the margin between the lower edge of the underlines and the bottom edge of the code text.
CodeTextSize - a property that sets and returns, the height of the code text fonts
CodeTextType - a property that sets and returns, the type of text entered into CodeInput. "0" - numbers, "1" - text, "2" - uppercase text.
CodeTextLength - the property that returns the length of the code, the number of text boxes formed
Editable - a property that sets and returns whether CodeInput is editable or not.
ErrorText - a property that sets and returns, error text that will be displayed after calling the error.
ErrorTextAlignment - a property that sets and returns, the type of error text alignment. "0" - to the left, "1" - to the center, "2" - to the right.
ErrorTextColor - a property that sets and returns, the color of the error text. Accepts integer colors.
ErrorTextMarginSide - a property which sets and returns, the width of the left and right margin of the error text
ErrorTextMarginTop - a property which sets and returns, the margin height between the lower edge of the underlines and the upper limit of the error text.
ErrorTextSize - a property that sets and returns, the height of the error text fonts
PasswordCharacter - a property that sets and returns a character that will replace the text in password mode.
PasswordMode - a property that sets and returns whether the code text is to be replaced with a substitute sign.
PasswordShow - a property that sets and returns whether the recently entered code sign is to be visible for a moment.
PasswordShowTime - a property that sets and returns the time for which the last entered code sign is to be visible.
UnderlineReductionWidth - the property that sets and returns the width, which will be reduced by emphasis on both sides to create spacing between underlines.
UnderlinesColor - a property that sets and returns the color of the underlines. Accepts integer colors.
UnderlinesSelectedColor - a property that sets and returns the color of the underline for the currently entered character. Accepts integer colors.
UnderlineSelectedThickness - a property that sets and returns the thickness of underline for the currently entered character.
UnderlineThickness - a property that sets and returns the thickness of underline.
UnderlineWidth - a property that sets and returns the width of a single underline before reduction.
Download the extension v1:
pl.patryk_f.codeinput.aix (47.0 KB)
Download sample project:
Code_Input_Sample.aia (47.0 KB)