[FREE | PAID] ClickZ - An extension to add click, long click and more actions to components!

Try v6 - V6 (6.9 KB)
It should not trigger click event.

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Yes now long click does not triger click event

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Is my extension completely working ??
For me working.
If any error still persist, please notify me.


Full Clickable on Kodular not work, maybe because there is Arrangement have mark Clickable. need add all component included register

I think this discussion would be better in Kodular community, since this extension is made for Appinventor. :slight_smile:

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You can optimize your topic title a bit :grin:

Did you try?


Thank work,
need touchdown (fast click)

Galaxy 1.0.1 - A click toggler 🥳 - #27 by hammerhai - Extensions - Kodular Community

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What you asked is quite unclear?

Good extension! Hope to see more extensions developed by you in the future!

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Thank you @gordonlu310 ! :partying_face:


New Version 7 ! :partying_face:

ErrorOccurred Block added.


ClickZ.aix (7.4 KB)

First Post is also updated.

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You can always check this to learn more about what you should add:


New Version 8 ! :partying_face:
New blocks added !

component_method component_method (1)

ClickZ.aix (7.6 KB)


New Version 9 ! :partying_face:
:star2: Optimized the extension.

Download :
Download V9

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@Aquib_Khan can we make anything like when the button is clicked 2 times then the Screen bg color will change?

Save tinyDB value to 0 at first then when someone click, add 1 to that value then if(tinyDBValue == 2) then do change bg color of screen...


Do you mean by double click feature ?

Yeah, but like if I click 5 times then it do something...
Like add a new block like

When clicked
ID - Times

If Times = 5 then
Do something

@SRIKAR_B.S.S It's a bit difficult...
But, I've started working on double click feature...

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