[FREE] ChangerAudio

An extension that changes your audio

Version = 8
Works on = all androis versions
Permission = change your audio settings
Name = ChangerAudio

Blocks :
blocks (6)

Important note and make sure to remember about this.

1.The maximum of every audio block is 15, if you try 100, it will be maximum
2.every block has input
Input type = INT

First block =

ChangeMusicAudio :

Change your music audio

Second block =

ChangeNotificationAudio :

Change your notification audio

Third block =

ChangeRingtoneAudio :

Change your ringtone audio

Foruth block =

ChangeSystemAudio :

Changes your system audio thay when you type something on keyboard or other system functionals.

Last block =

ChangeVoiceCallAudio :

Changes your Voice call audio

Extension file :
ChangerAudio.aix (5.5 KB)

Have a good day :+1:.

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What exactly does this extension do and what is audioNumber?

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What about combine this extension with your another one

They are all about audio volume.

This extension let you change your audio settings like system audio, music, ringtone, and voice call audio.

If you want to set your audio to maximum, you can use 15 to put it on the audioNumber

Try to set your volume to 0 and try to count until maximum until you count from 0 to 15.

An audioNumber is the input of the number you want to change the audio.

I will make this extension in the next week.

So this extension changes the volume of the phone. So its name should be VolumeChanger. And the parameter should be named simply volume and not audioNumber... and as Kevinkun mentioned, both of your volume extensions should be merged into one.

Okay but i might as well name the extension audiotool if im going to merge or combine these both extension and the new extension called CurrentMaxVolume and name the input to VolumeLevel.

I just created new one with the same thing you said :
VolumeChanger.aix (5.3 KB)
But i didn't merge the extension, i will merge these 2 extension and the 1 extension will come out but it will also be merged next week.